We Support

We are privileged to support the work and ministry of ...

MTS (Ministry Training Strategy)
Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38
MTS (Ministry Training Strategy) seeks to multiply gospel workers through ministry apprenticeships. They aim to help local churches and ministries identify and train gifted individuals before helping them to decide on the next step in their ministry.
MTS wants every Christian to: be trained to be the best servants of Christ they can be through ministry apprenticeship; continually grow in the knowledge and service of God; and train other ministry apprentices. Join in supporting this important work here here.
Bible League

The Bible League works to provide Bibles, biblical resources, language translations and training. Partnership with the Bible League is transforming lives globally by helping people engage with God’s Word in ways they understand so they come to know Jesus. Share in this important work here.

Compassion is a Christian international holistic child development organisation. Through their Child Sponsorship Program, more than 2 million children are currently being released from poverty in Jesus’ name. With over six decades of experience, Compassion’s unique approach to solving poverty works. Compassion works in 25 countries helping children and their families in almost 8000 churches worldwide, meeting the needs of food security, health care, education, clean water and enabling children to have hope and dreams. Support Compassion with financial donations here or child sponsorship here.

Samaritan’s Purse is a non-profit, Christian organisation providing emergency relief and development assistance to suffering people around the world. Samaritan’s Purse is meeting the physical needs of victims of war, famine, natural disaster, poverty and disease with the aim of demonstrating God’s love and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. The aid and assistance are given without regard to the race, creed, gender, religion, or ethnicity of the beneficiaries. Join in donating to Samaritan’s Purse here.

Voice of the Martyrs International works in 68 countries, serving persecuted Christians with practical and spiritual assistance, and leading Christians in the free world into fellowship with persecuted believers. Learn more about Voice of the Martyrs and give your support here.

Reach Australia is a fresh initiative that combines the strengths of a number of like-minded ministries – wanting to see healthy, evangelistic and multiplying churches reaching the lost across Australia. Learn more and give here.

The vision of City to City Australia (CTCA) is to join with God to see major city centres in Australia worshipping Jesus Christ as Lord so that God will renew them spiritually, socially and culturally to His glory. CTCA’s core competencies are training and equipping leaders to plant churches, developing city networks, and the revitalisation and strengthening of existing churches. To prayerfully and financially support the work of City to City Australia, learn more here.

Diamond Women are a group of dedicated professionals and individuals that seek to support and empower women in their unexpected pregnancy journey, focused on reducing the incidence of mental health disorders during the perinatal period. They create a safe space for women to navigate all the information, options and support available. Learn more here.

Nungalinya is the premier Combined Churches Training College for Indigenous Australians. Each year, men and women from over 100 different communities across Australia come to study at the college, from both remote and urban communities, with different cultural and language backgrounds being respected and included in campus life. Learn more about supporting Nungalinya here.

Tearfund is a Christian agency working for a just and compassionate world. Following Jesus, they go where the need is greatest, working with local partners to help address the root cause of poverty and marginalisation. Support the work of Tearfund here.

Bush Church Aid has a heart for people living in rural, remote and regional Australia. They have been reaching Australia for Christ for over one hundred years and are committed to going the distance.

You can’t take things for granted in the bush. The bush is less resourced and less reached. Churches can struggle financially due to fluctuating populations, and ongoing fellowship can be hard to maintain.

In partnership with Anglican Dioceses and other ministries across the country, Bush Church Aid places committed and gifted Christians in a variety of locations so Australians can hear the life-changing message of Christ. Support Bush Church Aid here.

CAP Australia is a Christian charity that believes no Australian should live in financial distress, and so is equipping a movement of churches to stand with and include the poor while confidently proclaiming Jesus. CAP provides the church with practical tools, services and skills, so they can tangibly enable financial wellbeing for their community, regardless of their situation, providing all services free of charge. Support CAP here.

Destiny Rescue’s mission is to rescue kids from sexual exploitation and human trafficking and to help them stay free. They do this through their rescue operations, reintegration programs, and prevention efforts. They are active in countries where the need to save is great. Because of their committed supporters, their rescue and reintegration staff are bringing freedom, hope and healing to children around the clock – day and night! Support Destiny Rescue here.

Empower exists to equip, educate and empower through sustainable community development. Empower works in regions where hundreds of millions of people still do not have access to clean water, safe sanitation, healthy hygiene practices, quality education or sustainable livelihoods – yet! Empower trains and equips local men and women to identify the specific needs of their communities to work in their own communities.
They support village leaders and families to work together and build a sustainable future. Learn more and donate here.

For over 75 years, Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) has been serving isolated people by using aircraft to bring in the essentials of life as well as medical care, emergency food, and Christian hope.

Their purpose is to deliver practical and spiritual care to people in places of deepest human need. Every 5.5 minutes, a MAF plane takes off or lands somewhere in the world. These flights enable crucial work by many aid and development agencies, missions, local churches, and other national groups.

MAF is serving the Church and communities in remote areas where flying is not a luxury, but a lifeline. Learn more and donate here.

Prison Fellowship Australia exists to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with prisoners and their families. For over 40 years, Prison Fellowship Australia has responded to God’s call to serve men and women behind bars. Over 700 passionate volunteers run gospel-centred programs in prison, write letters and visit inmates, support ex-prisoners upon release, and deliver Christmas presents to the children of inmates each year. In all we do, they seek to bring a message of hope and change to prisoners, ex-offenders, and their families. Join in supporting Prison Fellowship Australia here

The mission of Freedom for Humanity is: “Breaking slavery with education”. Founded in 2017, the Foundation continues to raise funds to fight Modern Slavery both in Australia and overseas. Their core goal is to unite people who can make Modern Slavery a thing of the past. Raising funds to empower survivors with education; educating corporations to remove Modern Slavery from their supply chains and to promote Australia’s success with the Modern Slavery Act. Join in supporting Freedom for Humanity here.

What Our Clients Say

Scenarios depicted on this site have been created for non-identifying illustrative and communicative purposes, based on a vast range of experiences and conversations

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